Several people have approached me about doing a post-holiday detox class. It will be a detox only (virtual) class and will last just 7 days. All you need is this detox kit ( All other class information and materials are completely FREE.
What I love about the Nutriclean Detox is that it uses exceptional herbs and botanicals to detoxify, cleanse, and purify the digestive tract and liver. In providing select nutrients and botanicals, this 7-Day System mildly purges the body of potential or accumulated toxins. It will gently cleanse your liver, colon and digestive tract and will cleanse your palate.
Getting rid of the toxins will increase your energy and eliminate the cravings for sugars, carbs and junk.
*this is NOT a fast - you will be eating real food throughout each day
*you will not be afraid to go to work or leave the house during this week
*you will feel increased energy and healthier overall at the end of the week
*there will be some weight loss, but that is not the goal of the detox.
*you will learn about yourself and your relationship with food
If you would like more information, please message me. You do not need to be local. I am planning a conference call with the group right after Christmas with a start date for the detox week the beginning of January so there is plenty of time to get your mind right and prepare. All educational materials for the group will be provided in a private group and unlimited phone and email support will be available throughout the detox week.
Let's get started!!